Top 6 Movies About Wall Street And Finance: By William Schantz

December 27, 2022

For many of us, the world of Wall Street and finance can seem impenetrable - a maze of trading floors, charts, and jargon. Yet this topic has been tackled by some great films from both Hollywood and abroad that not only tell fascinating stories but also help to demystify the mysterious workings of high finance. From classics like Wall Street to more recent releases such as The Big Short, these movies about business life on Wall Street provide an entertaining look into a complex world. In this blog post, William Schantz showcases our top 6 picks for the greatest films about Wall Street and finance.


Bill Schantz Lists Top 6 Movies About Wall Street And Finance

1. Wall Street (1987): Starring Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko, this classic film about power and greed follows a young stockbroker determined to make his mark on the world of high finance. According to William Schantz, the movie examines how money corrupts even the best-laid plans and shows what happens when a person puts their own gain ahead of morality.


2. Boiler Room (2000): Set in the late 90s, this film follows a group of ambitious young men who begin working at an unscrupulous brokerage firm that specializes in cold-calling potential investors with bogus stock tips. It's an eye-opening depiction of the unscrupulous tactics used by some brokers to swindle innocent people out of their hard-earned money.


3. Margin Call (2011): This film takes place during the 2008 financial crisis and follows a group of ambitious bankers who are working to stay afloat while trying to make sense of the rapidly changing market conditions. It's an intense thriller that dives deep into the murky waters of Wall Street and shows how greed can lead people astray.


4. The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013): Based on the true story of former stockbroker Jordan Belfort, this movie takes viewers deep into the world of high finance in New York City as Belfort schemes his way to success. It's a wild ride filled with excess, debauchery, and, ultimately, consequences for risky behavior.


5. American Psycho (2000): This darkly comedic film follows a young Wall Street executive as he navigates the cutthroat world of high finance in New York City. Christian Bale stars as Patrick Bateman, and his performance is captivating as he struggles to stay afloat while maintaining his sanity amidst the craziness of it all.


6. The Big Short (2015): Another movie based on real-life events, this one dives into the complex financial instruments that were created before the 2008 crisis and how they led to its eventual collapse. A star-studded cast including Brad Pitt, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Christian Bale, as per Bill Schantz, brings this fascinating story to life in an engaging way.


William Schantz’s Concluding Thoughts

So there you have it, the top 6 movies about Wall Street and finance. These are great films that, according to William Schantz, provide insights into the world of high finance and show how greed, power, and money can corrupt even the most innocent people. So if you're looking for a good movie to watch that will keep you entertained and informed, be sure to check out one of these great films.

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